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Swiss. 4:12 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.

The stadium demonstration was far more effective than any march would have been.

Darby_ 3:56 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
I genuinely thought the Burnley protests saved our season, because they put a rocket up the players arses and the players responded against Soton and Chelsea.

The mini rally seems to have run its course though.

I reckon if we have protests in response to a loss to Man Utd, it might put a rocket up the players arses again though...

Northern Sold 3:46 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Swiss. 3:20 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.

Are we really only 10% who want these fucking blood sucking owners out? Surely not.

Yup... so Paul from HERTFORDSHIRE said this AM... 90% LOVE the stadium...

muskie 3:29 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.


The Real West Ham FAGS blew it, took their 30 pieces of silver and fucked us good and proper.

wanstead_hammer 3:21 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Yeh, it was blocked off underneath em. Was only a small gate and some stewards/few ob though.
If big numbers went fm each side and made a racket, I'm sure it would snowball.
The lying cunts need to get a lot more stick and be forced out. They truly make me sick.
So it's the mancs and the toffees then.

Swiss. 3:20 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.

Are we really only 10% who want these fucking blood sucking owners out? Surely not.

chav_corner 3:19 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Your Mum.I agree with you mate but we have to dust ourselves down and go again.

Side of Ham 3:16 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
We missed our chance when Q was a West Ham supporter.

JustAFatKevinDavies 3:09 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
smuggle your rifle in the little pouch of gold you keep round your neck, 13 son.

Your mum 3:04 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
You can blame the RWHFAG mob for this, the fan base was right up for a showdown with the owners, but for what ever reason it didn't happen.

ornchurch ammer 3:01 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
The marches don't work, they blank it out.

It needs a mass in stadium demonstration to catch their notice.

I've already said that a sit-in demonstration after the Everton game could work. No one needs to do anything other than stay put.

Part of the problem as I see it though are that too many people/groups want to be The One who can take the praise if anything gets done.

13 Brentford Rd 2:59 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
How would one go about smuggling in a rifle with sights?

BulphanIron 2:47 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
chav_corner 2:24 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
bulpha Iron.I understand what you are saying mate but honest I think that with a bit of imagination and effort one could get a flag into the ground.

If you manage to sneak one in & don't get knocked back at the turnstiles then you'll just have your flag ripped down once inside & get yourself chucked if you want it back. This is from experience, they've got away's sewn up now with the other premier league clubs in their pockets.

It's game over though tbf, plenty of bods over West Ham are happy with what we've ended up as.

13 Brentford Rd 2:41 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
So the media would have it appear Soldo as you say. On radio yesterday after the game one of our supposed fans was on there claiming & I quote "Moyes has done a fantastic job" his only critism was that Carroll did not start.
I hear literally the same old cunt on 5 Live almost every week who has called in calling him "Moysie" and claiming that we will be fine as "Moysie" will sort it out, must be a mate of G&S. The bloke sounds like he has dementia yet is on there every other week. Try and get on yourself on any station to eloquently express what the issues are and you've got no chance.

southlondonhammer 2:33 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.

chav_corner 2:32 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Brentford your comments re One Iron are spot on.Nobody respects him more than me but he cannot lead us forever.Hopefully he will live to be 90.Are we still going to wheel him out then?We need new blood to take over.This is the most important thing of all. I am sure that One Iron agrees with me here.-Although I know that he will lead us when the time comes it is not fair of us to keep relying on him.The younger fans have to step up.

The Kronic 2:27 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
All it needs is a small group to start the chants off and I am sure the rest will follow, that's how it works!


Not anymore it doesn't, A couple of pitch invasions however...

chav_corner 2:24 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
bulpha Iron.I understand what you are saying mate but honest I think that with a bit of imagination and effort one could get a flag into the ground.Regards getting banned I think that if it is important enough to someone then they should take that chance.Not looking for an argument with you mate but that is how I feel.

Rossal 2:24 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Did anyone attend the march that was planned for yesterday?

Started at 12 at the station. Seemed well organised but hardly any publicity compared to the Burnley one.

Agree we need to get at the owners constantly, but if its inside the ground then at FT. We cant afford to have anything harming us on the pitch at the moment. Problem is we're so shit on the pitch very few hang around to FT anyway.

The proposed Burnley march needs to be reignited, by different people....but with all fans behind them again leading a powerful angry loud group of fans that will force change

Northern Sold 2:21 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
chav_corner 2:06 Mon Apr 30

Yeah and then you get a hiding from your own fans like the blokes that got on the pitch at the Burnley game... it's fucked and rotten to the core

Northern Sold 2:19 Mon Apr 30
Re: What the f*#k is wrong with our fans?... "Thank you sir, can I have some more pleeeese thank you.
Road.... see the thing is you are in the minority... the vast majority (90%) think the club is well run.. it's a great FOOTBALLING stadium... and Moyes is doing a fine job... well so Paul from HERTFORDSHIRE said this AM on Talk Sport ...he also got Alan Brazil and Ray Parlour to agree with him... so you are a part of the 10%'ers i'm afraid Road son... best of luck

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